
The Development of Python's Basic Programming Material for Vocational High School Students
1Imron Hamzah, 2Rufi’i,3 Yoso Wiyarno
1,2,3Education Technology, Postgraduate, University PGRI Adi Buana of Surabaya

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The development of teaching materials is based on students 'confusion in essential programming subjects in Vocational High School (SMK) grade X. So far, the learning process has minimal interesting materials to improve student literacy students' programming knowledge is not maximal. This research aims to make teaching material products with an interactive approach to introduce students to primary programming languages that are attractive and easy to understand. The research method uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The results of this study were (1) the process of developing basic programming teaching materials was designed through five stages, namely analysis, design, development, application, and evaluation (2) the quality of basic programming teaching materials that were tested through validity and effectiveness criteria. Design experts have validated the media with a score of 94%, content experts with a value of 88%, media experts with a value of 84%, and peer-to-peer teachers with a value of 90%. The data on the effectiveness of student activity observation teaching materials was 86.00. The teacher obtained the results of 85.67 in the feasible category. Based on all the received results, it can show that the product is in a feasible category as a Python’s basic programming learning media.


Python’s Basic Programming, teaching materials, ADDIE, Vocational High School.


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