Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Assoc. Prof. Yeşim SIRAKAYA, 2İsmail ASLANLAR
1St. Clements University Psychology Department Faculty Member
Orcid ID: 0009-0004-2558-8194
2St. Clements University Business Management PhD Student
Orcid ID: 0009-0004-8623-0962
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-96Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article, under the title "The Power of Innovation: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Components, Research and Start-up Approaches and the Development Process of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Turkey", examines how Turkey's dynamic entrepreneurship environment is shaped by innovation and the important components in this process. While entrepreneurship has a critical role in economic development and social transformation, innovation stands out as the main driving force of this process. First of all, Turkey's young and educated population, increasing digitalization and access to technology strengthen the entrepreneurial culture and create new business opportunities. In the article, the basic elements of the innovation ecosystem in Turkey, namely the interactions between universities, public institutions, the private sector and entrepreneurs, are discussed in detail. Additionally, the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in Turkey are analyzed through factors such as limited financial resources, inadequate mentoring and training opportunities. In this context, the effects of the state's innovation strategies, incentive mechanisms and entrepreneurship support programs are examined. For example, the contributions of the supports provided by organizations such as KOSGEB and TÜBİTAK to the realization of entrepreneurs' projects are emphasized. In the article, the contribution of international collaborations and foreign investments to Turkey's innovation ecosystem is discussed, thus focusing on its competitiveness potential in the global market. Additionally, successful domestic enterprise examples are supported by concrete data showing how innovation and entrepreneurship create synergy. As a result, the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey is directly linked to the power of innovation. In order to create a sustainable innovation environment, the need for continuous support, training and policy development comes to the fore. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective by presenting the paths and strategies to be followed to maximize Turkey's entrepreneurial potential.
KEYWORDS:Entrepreneurship, innovation, Turkey, ecosystem, entrepreneurial culture, public policies, private sector, financial support programs, technology, university-industry cooperation, competitiveness, social transformation, entrepreneur supports, foreign investments.
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