
Why EFL Students Understand the Language Assessment?
1Arjulayana, 2Siti Ansoriyah
1FKIP, University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang-Indonesia
2Language Education of Universitas Negeri Jakarta-Indonesia

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English language assessment is a subject lesson in some university in Indonesia, and it is one of the requirement to be able to master by the students in advocating language learners’ quality and competency. Assessing the language skills is a critical process to improve language capacity and competency in mastering language skill correctly. In the other hand, assessment as the most important thing to be understood by all language learners in making their process of teaching and learning are understandable and gaining good outcomes as the expectation. The objective of this paper is to outline the importance of language assessment subject for student who major in teachers training and education faculty. This paper used qualitative descriptive approach, with observation, interview and study documents to collect the data. The triangulation validation is used to validate the instruments. The sample of this research is 5 semester students of teachers training and education from University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang with the total sample is 33 students, majoring of English education study program. The result of this research can be simulated as; firstly, giving understanding language assessment to English learners can motivate and help them in doing their final assignment/mini research easily. Secondly, understanding English language assessment made students’critical thinking increase, because they start thinking about many kinds of language research and the solution in improving English language problems. Thirdly, learning English assessment gave a clear outline for English learners to support their research as a final requirement in getting bachelor degree and foster their competency as the language education learners.


English assessment;assessing language;language learner.


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