1,2Blaise MakosoNimi,1,3Benjamin Longo Mbenza,4Basil BazingaMaba,
4 Léon MakosoNgoma,4 Bernadette Nzuzi Phaka, 4Gedeon Longo Longo,2 ElyséeBuanga Khuabi, 2Maria Phemba Mabemba, 2,5Fabrice Thamba Makunga, 6Aliocha Nkodila
1Division of Cardiology, University of Kinshasa Hospital, Kinshasa School of Medicine, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, The Democratic Republic of the Congo
2University KasaVubu School of Medicine, Boma, DR Congo
3Lomo-Medical Center, Kinshasa, DRCongo
4Higher Institute of Medical Technology (ISTM), Tshela
5BomaHospital, DR Congo
6Cité des Aveugles » Medical Center, Kinshasa, DRCongo
Corresponding Author: Blaise Makoso, MD University of Kinshasa, PO Box 123 Kin XI
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Background and Aim: The identification and management of cardiovascular risk factors become a major problem in people living with HIV before but especially after taking ARVs, hence the need to list these factors before in order to establish the proportion due to treatment
Methods: From January 1 to May 31, 2019; we conducted a cross-sectional and descriptive study at the Boma reference hospital located in the southeast and 440 Km from Kinshasa, the capital of DR Congo. Included was any patient infected with HIV aver 18 years and informed consent. Information on demographic parameters, behavioral lifestyles, anthropometric and biological (blood sugar, creatinine, urine strip and lipid profile) and blood pressure (BP) measurements was obtained.
Results: The most frequently reported cardiovascular risk factors:
Age ≥ 55 Years 43.3%, Smoking 45%, Alcohol intake, 46.7%, HTN 15% and DM 13.3% significant between the two sexes
Conclusion: Les patients infectés par le VIH sont porteurs des plusieurs facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires
HIV infection, risk factors, Boma
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