Oksana Chaika (Čajka)
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine
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The article highlights the theoretical and pedagogical frameworks for polyculturalism and multiculturalism as the foundational values attributable to future foreign language teachers in general and teachers, or instructors of languages for specific purposes, in particular. The findings substantiate the importance of pedagogical framework for poly- / multiculturalism given the fact that the created poly- / multicultural and polylingual environment of higher educational institution as a principle condition in value chain education may ensure the formation of poly- / multicultural personality of a foreign language teacher and LSP instructor. That becomes possible with the help of growing their socio cultural identity while students master the system of knowledge, concepts and ideas about poly- / multiculturalism in the poly- / multicultural environment of their classroom and improve social communication skills. It is stated that the complex of pedagogical conditions may well promotepoly- / multiculturalism for future teachers of foreign languages and LSP instructors. It is underlined that pedagogical framework for polyculturalism in a foreign language classroom, aiming to teach philology students, rests on the following: (i) construction of training process in regards to foreign languages on the integration principle of educational disciplines with existing poly- / multicultural component according to tasks and the basic components of poly- / multiculturalism; (ii) application of interactive technologies for the formation of socio- cultural and poly- / multicultural competence, which includes bilingualism and poly- / multilingualism (didactic conditions); (iii) creation of a poly- / multicultural educational environment; (iv) dialogical interaction in the course of socio-cultural activities (educational conditions) inter alia.
KEYWORDS:polyculturalism, multiculturalism, polycultural values, foreign language teachers, languages for specific purposes (LSP), foreign language instruction, higher education.
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