1Emmanouel Xynadas, MA, PhD, 2 Evi Psarrou, MA, PhD
1Ecclesiastical Academy of Vella of Ioannina -Greece
2Dept. of Philosophy, University. of Patras- Greece
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The aim of this work is to present in detail the Abu Lubut Pasha's visit in Veria following the successful outcome of his campaign in Naoussa and Veria in the spring of 1822 having suppressed the Greeks' uprisings in the area. In the same context the festivities that followed are described, but most importantly a detailed catalogue with the expenses for this feast is presented, as well as the revenues to the Public Treasury after the siege of Naoussa following the confiscation and sale of the revolutionaries’ property. The study also provides information on the Ottomans' celebration after a victorious campaign of their forces.
KEYWORDS:Abu Lubut Pasha, City of Naoussa, City of Veria, Greek Revolution, Ottoman Empire.
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