1Abdul Haris,2 Isa Saleh
1,2Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia
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This research was aimed at describing the empowerment of street children conducted by the head of Muhammadiyah branch of Krembangan Surabaya-East Java, Indonesia. This research employed a qualitative approach with case study. The data were obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation and were analyzed using an interactive technique proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The data validity was tested using the triangulation method. The research showed that the empowerment of street children made by the head of Muhammadiyah branch of Krembangan Surabaya East Java was a part of the social da'wah inspired from the theology of surrah al-Mā`ūn. In empowering the street children, the head of Muhammadiyah branch of Krembangan Surabaya-East Java used three approaches: Street -, Centre - and Community-based approaches.
KEYWORDS:empowerment; Muhammadiyah; street child
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