Teachers’ Most Frequently Used ICT Tools for Teaching Language Skills and Components in Moroccan Secondary School EFL Classrooms
Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i10-19

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The present study explored the most frequently used ICT tools for teaching language skills and components in Moroccan secondary school EFL classrooms. This study adopted a mixed-method approach of investigation wherein two instruments were used to collect data: a survey questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. A total number of 80 Moroccan secondary school EFL teachers participated in this study and were selected using convenience sampling. Eight teachers were selected for the interviews through reputational and purposive sampling. Collected data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings revealed that teaching speaking and listening skills received high use of ICT compared to teaching language components and reading and writing which integrated medium and low ICT use, respectively. Findings also showed that computers, laptops, and projectors are the most preferred ICT tools among EFL teachers. This study concluded that teachers’ ICT tools preference seems to have an impact on their ICT use frequency. The latter is also influenced by other factors such the availability/unavailability of ICT equipment/facilities in the schools and training/lack of training on the use of ICT in instruction. A number of recommendations are presented regarding a successful integration of ICT in EFL language teaching in the Moroccan secondary school contexts.


EFL, English, ICT Integration, ICT Tools, Language Skills, Morocco.


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