An Effort to Bring the Positive Change of SMEs: A Study on the Capacity Development Program of SME Foundation
Fatema Khatun
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i10-26

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The number of SMEs is creasing in our country tremendously. But most of these cannot run for a long time because the SME entrepreneurs have no enough knowledge to manage every activity related to their business. Besides, some of them can hardly utilize their money and resources properly. So, the capacity of the SME employee and entrepreneurs should be built through providing demand-based training. SME Foundation plays an important role by arranging different training programs in all over the country. The main objective of this study is to discuss the role of capacity building program for the development of institutional as well as individual capacity in the SME sector. The limitations identified in this study such as, problems in the types, duration, and training place disrupt the smooth activity of the training program. Besides, lack of specialized trainers, small number of training programs and lack of modern technology are also identified in this study. The study the suggest recommendation to overcome the barriers to develop capacity in SME sector.


Capacity Development, SME, SME Foundation. Entrepreneurs.


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