Indonesian Defense Strategy to Encounter Challenges in the Indo-Pacific (Case Study: Hegemonic War of China and the United States of America in the South China Sea)
1Adhit Prayoga,2Jonni Mahroza,3Surryanto Djoko Waluyo
1,2,3Department of Defense Diplomacy, Indonesia Defense University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i10-30

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As an arena of hegemonic war between China and the United States of America (USA), Indo-Pacific has economic value that can increase conflict in the region. This hegemonic war then cultivated rapidly, as evidenced by the expanded issue through the involvement of other countries such as France, Germany, and England. This research basically examined the actions of Indonesia as a non-claimant country in conducting defense strategy to prevent threats that can disrupt its territory, especially in the North Natuna Sea which is adjacent to the South China Sea as the main theater of this hegemonic war in Indo-Pacific. This study was analysed using qualitative method, descriptive analysis and neorealism perspective. As an effort to maintain territorial sovereignty, especially in the North Natuna Sea which is close to South China Sea, Indonesia had done several defense strategies which can be categorized as internal and external balancing. Internal balancing consists of relocation process of fishermen from North Coast of Java to Natuna, increasing trend of defense budget and particular allocation for the security of North Natuna Sea, and execution of combat exercise. External balancing includes cooperation of joint exercises and national defense industry quality improvement through transfer of technology and knowledge, joint development, as well as acquisitions.


Hegemonic War, South China Sea, Defense Strategy, Internal and External Balancing, North Natuna Sea


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