Psychology Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
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Banyumas is one of the districts in the western part of Central Java. Banyumas has a variety of uniqueness in the culture and character of the indigenous people of Banyumas. Cablaka or Blakasutha is part of the universal character of the Banyumas people. However, along with technology and modernization, the original character may change or be eroded. We researched three characteristics of informants: parents, college students, and junior and senior high schools to fill in an open-ended questionnaire regarding their perceptions of Cablaka or Blakasutha. The results showed that Cablaka or Blakasutha to parents are still applied in everyday life. In contrast to informants from student colleges and junior and senior high schools who do not know the meaning of Cablaka or Blakasutha even the importance of the terms.
KEYWORDS:Cablaka, Blakasutha, perception, culture, Communication, Honest.
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