The Activities of the First Printing Houses in Uzbekistan and its Development and Significance Today
Researcher National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod
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This article discusses the activities of the first printing houses in Uzbekistan and their significance today. In the East, the book has long been valued. For, in the eyes of the peoples of the East, it is not only an ointment of hearts, but also a burial of secrets, a sea of treasures, a mine of sciences, a source of sages, a piece of nobility. From the cover of the book to the art of calligraphy, patterned ornaments and miniatures, everything is poetically pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the heart and pleasing to the soul.
KEYWORDS:printing houses, East, book, hearts, secrets, treasures, sciences, sages, calligraphy, miniatures, soul.
1) I. A. Karimov “Uzbekistan on the threshold of XXI century” Tashkent:1999.
2) Artist and book. Publishing houses of literature and art named after Gofur Gulyam.– Тashkent: 1987.
3) National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. 1 - vol. - Тashkent: “Scientific Publishing House of Uzbekistan”, 2000, - P. 274-281.