1Irene Simiyu,2 Dr. AdelhideM. Bwire,3 Prof. Samson R. Ondigi
1Orcid Id: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5622-5776
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This article reports on an action research study that involved teachers of English leading their own professional development, while establishing the collaborative strategies that they can use to do this. Teachers collaborating in professional development is a departure from the traditional modes where teachers are taken through presentations that are meant to equip them with what facilitators feel they need to know about classroom practices. In this study, the teachers identified their individual challenges with practice and thenworked in collaboration with a colleague to overcome them. This was done through the use of a number of collaborative strategies that find support in research studies on teacher learning. The findings bring out practical collaborative strategies that can improve the classroom practices of teachers as well as their collegial relationships.
KeywordsTeacher professional development; Classroom practices; Teachers of English; Collaborative strategies
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