1Bagus Andryana Kusuma,2Wakit Abdullah Rais,3 Prasetya Adi Wisnu Wibowo
1,2,3Department of Program of Linguistics Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
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This research uses one of the branches of linguistics, namely dialectology. Dialectology is the study of forms of language variation seen from a group of people. The geographical location in this study is an area where the majority of people use Javanese, but in that area, there are several villages whose people speak Sundanese. The area is located in Kandanghaur Indramayu – Indonesia. Factors underlying the variety of languages, namely the acculturation of Sundanese and Javanese. in addition, Sundanese people there can use three languages that include Indonesian, Sundanese, and Javanese. Therefore, this research will be aimed at the Sundanese Parean dialect in Kandanghaur Subdistrict located in Indramayu Regency - Indonesia. The location and language chosen to show something interesting, such as the location is the spread of Javanese society, while speakers some use Sundanese. The material used is 16 Sundanesespeaking informants who follow the age factor amounting to 6 people with 3 young people and 3 parents, while the education factor consists of 6 people from 2 elementary schools, 2 people junior high school, and high school. The formal factor uses 4 people, namely 2 formal sectors and 2 non-formal sectors. The research method uses qualitative descriptive, while the data collection method uses the Ayatrohaedi field method (1979:34) and the method of listening to libat is capable with basic techniques, notes, records, fishing, and sadap Mahsun (2015: 91-93). There are many methods of presentation of data utilizing formal and non-formal methods. The results found that there are variations in the Sundanese Parean dialect from aspects that include age, education, and work. The variation is selected and sorted based on the terrain of meaning that has been determined, namely the field of meaning of the limbs, pronouns, and greetings, the terms kinship, the house, and its parts, the time of natural circumstances, and the direction, clothing, and jewelry smell and tastes, plants and fruits, and the word question and greeting. From each field of meaning, it has been found a form of language variation from each social group, so that the Sundanese Parean dialect can be said with a language that has a form of language variation.
KEYWORDSdialectology, dialectal variation, sundanese language, and linguistics factor.
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