1E.K.Kalandarov, 2O.Sh. Jumaboeva
1Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
2Master’s Student, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
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This article describes the didactic basis for the application of the principle of consistency and coherence in the teaching of molecular physics in the system of continuing education. Currently, the education system is being gradually improved. This is why today’s pupils and students need to have enough knowledge to have enough knowledge and find their place in society. An effective result can be achieved by organizing the educational process using modern techniques and technologies, pedagogical technologies and didactic tools of teaching, using didactic principles in their place. This article have some information about the didactic principles, their content and essence, the coherence and consistency of their implementation in the educational process.
KEYWORDSConsistency principle, continuity principle, classical and quantum theory, teaching methods, continuing education, didactics, molecular physics.
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