Implementation of Economic Policy Facing The China American Trade War In The Framework of Nirmilitary Defense
1Guntur Eko Saputro, 2Djoko Andreas,3 Ivan Yulivan
1,2,3Lecturer in Defence Ecomomics Indonesia, Defenese University Indonesia Kawasan IPSC Sentul, Citereup, Bogor, Jawa Barat, 16810

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Non-military defense is a defense to deal with non-military threats that can endanger or have implications for national defense. Non-military threats have the dimensions of ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, technology, public safety, and legislation. In the main points of the general policy of state defense for 2020-2024, it is stated that in the policy of implementing non-military defense, it is directed to deal with the dimensions and types of threats by determining the ministry/institution as the main element. The United States-China trade war is a policy involving two superpowers that have had a major influence on the global economy to date. The government's policy in dealing with the trade war is the program to attract investors as contained in the 16th Indonesian Economic Policy Package (PKE), including Tax Holiday. The purpose of the study is to provide government input on the implementation of economic policies in the face of the US-China trade war in the context of Non-Military Defense. Research with qualitative methods is aimed at understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the participants. The results achieved are in accordance with the theory of Policy Implementation related to Resources, Communication, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure, a strategy is needed to revamp the bureaucratic structure and recalculate budget resources.


Economic Policy, Trade War, Non-Military Defense


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