Digital Right Advocacy: Advocacy for Life in the Digital World
Olusegun Femi Akeredolu.
B.A, LL.B, BL, LL.M, AICMC, Doctorate Student, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State.
State Counsel, Department of Civil Litigation, Ondo State Ministry of Justice, Alagbaka, Akure, Ondo State.

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One of the lessons taught by the Covid 19 epidemic experience is that the world physical streets, schools, markets, places of worship and other environments for human physical interactions could self-shutdown for months in order for man to preserve its existence. As the physical world was, literarily speaking, systematically shutting down in the year 2020, due to the rapid spreading of Covid 19, the digital world was gaining momentum, more citizens and expanding its usefulness and usage. Online streets where people could meet and interest were enlarged, many schools were opened in the digital world, markets became common feature online, places of worship became normal and meetings of all kind were held online, courts proceedings, movies premiere, dating, training… life simply moved into the digital world. This actuality unlined the importance of access to internet (as the door to the digital world) and instigated this article. This library-based research examines, in the main, the correlations between the basic human rights and right of access to the digital world via the internet. The study also suggests that right of access internet access encompasses the fundamental rights of freedom information, freedom of association and other basic human rights that are constitutionally protected by domestic laws of nations. The study also takes a peep at concept tagged as Internet of things (IoT), supports the debate that digital right is a distinct right that needs specific protection and argues that digital right enjoyment and enforcement are not limited to natural persons alone. The study concludes by emphasising the need to design international legal regime that will internationally protect the all-importance digital right of citizens from domestic interference by municipal authorities of nation states.


Advocacy, Digital Right, Internet, Internet of Things, Digital Citizen, Digital Space, Telecom


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2) The judgment was pronounced on a batch of petitions challenging the restrictions in Kashmir after the central government on August 5, 2019 decided to remove special constitutional provisions and split the Jammu and Kashmir region. Accessed 24/09/2021

3) Accessed 24/09/2021

4) United Nations General Assembly, ORAL REVISIONS of 30 June, (27 June 2016), Thirty-second session Agenda item 3, Resolution 70/1


6) United Nations General Assembly, ORAL REVISIONS of 30 June, (27 June 2016), Thirty-second session Agenda item 3, Resolution 70/1

7) Nimisha Nagpal and Rhia Pandey, ‘Digital Literacy: A Cornerstone of Right to the Internet’, (2021), The Journal of Indian Law and Society Blog, 1-11, 4

8) See the Preamble to African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, 2014.

9) Lori Mankin, ‘What Is A Digital Information Hub?’, (2017), =Digital%20information%20hub%3A%20a%20centralized,find%20the%20information%20they%20need.

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11) The UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

12) Douglas Rutzen and Jacob Zenn, ‘Association and Assembly in the Digital Age’ (2011), 3:4, The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 1-17, 3

13) Internet Society, ‘Internet Access and Education: Key considerations for policy makers’, 2017, Accessed 26/09/2019

14) Accessed 26/09/2021

15) UNESCO and the African ICT Foundation jointly organized a knowledge sharing session on how to mainstream Internet Universality and ROAM principles (Rights, Openness, Access and Multi-stakeholder approach) where the West-African stakeholders


17) World Economic Forum, ‘The New Internet World A Global Perspective on Freedom of Expression, Privacy, Trust and Security Online’, (2011), 5

18) Rikke Frank Jørgensen, ‘Internet and Freedom of expression’, (European Master Degree In Human Rights And Democratisation 2000-2001, Raoul Wallenberg Institute), 6.

19) World Economic Forum (WEF), op.cit., 25

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21) Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

22) As of December 2011, 167 countries have already ratified the international soft law.

23) Douglas & Jacob, op.cit.

24) OSCE/ODIHR Key Guiding Principles of Freedom of Association with an Emphasis on Non-Governmental Organizations, page 5; see also U.N. Special Representative Report, page 21 (“NGOs should be allowed to exist and carry out collective activities without having to register if they so wish).

25) Douglas & Jacob, op.cit.

26), op.cit.

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28) Computerhope op.cit.


30) U.S. Const. Art. I, § 8.

31) Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Pub. L. No. 105-304, 112 Stat. 2860 (Oct. 28, 1998).

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33) Julia Kagan, op.cit.

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36) Patel & Patel, op.cit., 6122

37) Dias Sake, ‘History of ICT (Information and Communications Technology)’, (2012) History-of-ICT-Information-and-Communications-Technology-N7J51bQqSU7v

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42) Accessed 17/10/2021.

43) Shanthi Kalathil, ‘Internet Freedom: A Background Paper’, 2010, Toward a Single Global Economy, 67-80, 67.

44) Adeboye Adegoke, Digital Rights and Privacy in Nigeria, (Paradigm Initiative, 2020), 4.

45) United Nations General Assembly, ORAL REVISIONS of 30 June, (27 June 2016), op.cit.

46) Christina Richards, Will Internet Access Via Drones Ever Fly? 2011, accessed 10/10/21

47) Hillary Clinton, “Remarks on Internet Freedom,” (Speech, Newseum, Washington, D.C., January 10, 2010), Accessed 22/10/21

48) See the dictum of the Nigerian Supreme Court in F.B.N. Plc. v. A.G., Federation (2018) 7 NWLR (Pt.1617), 173

49) Thom Hartmann, Unequal Protection How Corporations Became “People” – and How You Can Fight Back, 2nd Edit, (Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2010) 10.

50) European Convention on Human Rights, 1950.

51) Anna Grear, ‘Challenging Corporate Humanity Legal Disembodiment, Embodiment and Human Rights’ (2007), 7:3, Human Rights Law Review, 511–543, 516.

52) Freedom and Democracy Party (ÖZDEP) v Turkey, no. 23885/94, § 9, 8 December 1999

53) Lívia Granyák, ‘Do Human Rights Belong Exclusively to Humans? The Concept of the Organisation from a Human Rights Perspective’, (2019), 2, ELTE Law Journal, 17-32, 23.

54) No. 29221/95 and 29225/95, Admissibility Decision, 29 June 1998

55) Granyák, op.cit.

56) Zumtobel v Austria no. 12235/86, 30 June 1992.

57) University of Pretoria (South Africa), Crawford University, Nigeria, Georgian Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA), e.t.c.

58) Paradigm Initiative, Globa Partners Digital, Amnesty International, The Human Rights Action Center, Human Rights Without Frontiers, Human Rights Watch,

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60) https// Accessed 30/10/21.


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