1N. S Akilu,2 Fodio Garba
1Department of Business Administration Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
2Department of public Administration Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
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Based on isomorphic considerations, this paper attempts to establish an entrepreneur as complex adaptive system, which is one of the concepts that appear prominently in the field of complexity sciences. The attempt to equate the notion of an entrepreneur with the idea of a complex adaptive system, presupposes recognition of the entrepreneur’s role in adaptive agency. Along with this recognition, comes the convenience of contextualizing the concepts of phase transitions and bifurcation points in terms of venture emergence. The dynamics of these concepts are however more commonly explored within the workings of complex or dynamic physical systems. Yet, the broad applicability of the underlying ideas offers the possibility of identifying similar concepts in biological systems and by extension, the field of entrepreneurial cognition and behavior. Thus, the paper adopts an interdisciplinary approach and employs retroductive reasoning in the assemblage of relevant ideas, sought from diverse literary sources. The outcome is a conceptual framework, which presents certain propositions that offer implication for action.
KEYWORDS:Venture, Complex System, Adaptive Agents, Self Organization
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