Pragmatic Function of Linguistic Units
Dr. Sobir A. Khamzaev
Associate professor, PhD, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of a number of works of domestic and foreign linguists in which approaches to language learning in a pragmatic aspect are defined. As a result of generalization of various approaches of researchers, the author revealed the main task of pragmatics, which consists in establishing the patterns of the use of linguistic means for the purpose of directed influence on the addressee in the communication process. Within the framework of P. Grice’s theory, implicatures are considered as conversational or communicative, as well as conventional. At the same time, the metaphorical interpretation is analyzed within the framework of the theory of speech acts. The role of euphemistic units involved in the formation of a certain, predetermined by the addressee, evaluative opinion is shown. The article reveals the potential of the study of precedent phenomena in a pragmatic aspect. The key problems of linguopragmatics are analyzed: connotations and additional (background) information as a necessary component of communication.


sender, addressee, newspaper text, meaning, lexical units, linguistics, new words, oppositions, pragmatics, function, euphemisms, speech etiquette, metaphor, ironic statement, pragmatic function.


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