The Urgency of Harmonization of Regulations Regarding Groundwater Utilization in Industrial Activities in Batang Regency
1Faisyal Karim, 2Budi Ispriyarso, 3Mahendra Ridwanul Ghoni
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University

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This study will analyze the negative impacts of natural resource management in the form of environmental damage and pollution, agrarian conflicts, impoverishment, and neglect of community rights. This is a serious problem that must be resolved. These problems are related to the ineffectiveness of implementing a Regional Regulation (Perda) in the community and the disharmony at the stage of forming a Regional Regulation. This research is a normative juridical law research. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the Law has determined that "every Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) before being stipulated as a Regional Regulation must first be harmonized at the stage of drafting the Raperda". However, at the practical level, there is often a neglect of the harmonization of the Raperda on executive initiatives, this does not only lead to certain legal consequences (procedural defects) but also raises assumptions related to the existence of overlapping powers. As also happened, there is material in the Batang Regency Regional Regulation number 13 of 2019 concerning the Batang Regency Spatial Plan for 2019-2039, especially in article 128 letter i of the Batang Regency Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2019 regarding the 2019 Batang Regency Spatial Plan. -2039 states that "it is forbidden to use groundwater for industrial activities and industrial support activities and direct industrial activities to utilize surface water, contrary to Central Java Provincial Regulation Number 3 of 2018 so that legal harmonization is necessary.


Harmonization; Rule; Groundwater Utilization; Industry


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