Hadi Rumadi
Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i2-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
Poetry as a type of old poetry has value contained in it through verse verses and as a literary work. Its existence must be preserved and introduced as an oral tradition to the community. This study examines archaic vocabulary. The existence of this research is expected as a reference for literary theory and an effort to develop one of the old literatures, namely poetry. It can be said that poetry as one of the old poems also uses the old language where the use and meaning of poetic values is conveyed by using the old language where the use and meaning of poetic values is conveyed using beautiful, poetic and meaningful language so that the values that are contained in poetry as a reference for community learning through language. Archaic language is a classic form when the poem was created in its time.
KEYWORDSPoetry, Arkaic Vocabulary, Bayan Budiman
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