1Romy, A.K,2 Ajurun, B.A, 3Baharudin, S,4 Romai Noor, R 5Halimatun Saadiah, H
1,2,3,4,5 Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Pendidikan Teknik
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This study aims to identify the level of knowledge, attitude and readiness of students of the Institute of Teacher Education, Technical Education Campus (IPGKPT) on virtual learning. Correspondingly, a study was administered to a sample of 988 trainee teachers. Likert-based questionnaires which was distributed through google forms were utilized as the instrument in this descriptive study. Findings revealed that the level of knowledge is at a high degree with an average mean value of 3.02 (sd = 0.78), while the level of attitude of trainee teachers towards virtual learning is at a moderate degree with an average mean value of 2.94 (sp = 0.88) and likewise the level of readiness of the trainee teachers is high with an average mean value of 3.32 (sp = 0.78). Based on the questionnaire conducted online and the findings of the study from the respondents it was found that virtual learning entails positive implications but some improvements are required in order to increase the quality of virtual learning in IPGKPT.
KEYWORDS:Virtual learning, knowledge, readiness.
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