1Ramang H Demolingo, 2Natasha Erinda Putri Moniaga, 3Subur Karyatun, 4Kadek Wiweka
1,3Universitas Nasional,Jakarta
2Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
4Universite d’Angers, Angers
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Rural areas have quite unique opportunities to attract tourists by building relationships between them and their cultural, historical, ethnic and geographical roots. However, currently the existing homestay has not been included into tourist’ package products, so that it can become a tourist attraction for tourists. This phenomenon causes existing homestays to only be used as accommodation or accommodation facilities. In fact, homestays can also offer a variety of interesting activities related to the culture and social life of the local community. Therefore, in developing a homestay it is very important to involve the local community as a tourist attraction. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential of the Cibodas village as an educational tourist attraction. In addition, to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of developing homestay in Cibodas tourism village as an educational empowerment attraction based on community empowerment as well. The last one is to formulate a homestay development strategy. In order for this research could be conducted thoroughly and achieves goals that are in accordance to the expectations of the researcher, multi-method approach of qualitative and quantitative method will be applied.
KEYWORDSrural areas, homestay, educational-tourism, Cibodas Village
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