
Service Quality, Creativity And Promotion Media Toward Visitor Satisfaction of (Farm House and The Great Asia Afrika) During The Covid 19 Pandemic
1Fifi Nofiyanti,2 Devita Gantina, 3Deivy Zulyanti Nasution,4 Elmira Peja, 5Boby Dimas, 6Hanastasia
1,2,3,4,5,6Trisakti School of Tourism &Jakarta, Indonesia

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Tourism can attract tourists with various factors and the efforts made by the manager of the tourist attraction. The research objective was to determine the quality of service, creativity, promotional media whether or not to influence visitor satisfaction. West Bandung has many interesting and creative tourist attractions, one of which is the Farm house and The Great Asia Afrika. Bandung tourist attractions in Indonesia are in great demand by tourists, before the COVID-19 pandemic, these 19 attractions reached 1,000 visitors and were packed with traffic jams. The existence of the Covid 19 pandemic has greatly affected the entire tourism sector, but researchers conducted research on the 3 X variables on visitor satisfaction during the Covid 19 pandemic. The research methods used were mixed method, quantitative descriptive and qualitative. The research sample used the incidental technique, visitors who were at the time of the study who were respondents were 42 people. The results showed that all X variables proved valid, namely X1, X2, X3 exceeding the R table value of 0.3044. The results of the validity test of the 25 statements used in the study. In variable Y there are 4 statements, the results of the validity test state that the validity exceeds the R table value of 0.3044. the value of the coefficient of determination or R Square of 0.745. that is, the variable under study explains 74.5% and the remaining 25.5% is explained by other variables not examined in this study. The significance value of the T test on service quality is 0.017 <0.05, which means that service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. The significance value of the T test for Creativity is 0.279> 0.05, which means that creativity does not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. And the Promotion Media variable has a significance value of 0.00 <0.005 which means that the Promotion Media has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. So it can be concluded that a large and significant influence in this study is service quality on customer satisfaction, media promotion on customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, creativity does not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. In the Covid 19 pandemic, the level of visits has indeed decreased, but it still attracts tourists to visit the Farm House and The Great Asia Africa. The profiles of these attractions are views and photo spots with nuances of Europe, Japan, Korea, Africa, India and Indonesia. Suggestions for future researchers can see from other indicators of customer satisfaction.


Service Quality, Creativity, Promotion Media, Toward Visitor Satisfaction


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