
Training on Business Planning Strategy for Millenial Enterprises In Hellomotion High School
Pajar Amin
S1 Accounting study program, Pamulang University

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At present, technology support makes entrepreneurs use resources more efficiently, reaching customers more effectively. Seeing the entrepreneurial abilities of millennials today, researchers want to help the millennial generation realize entrepreneurship by conducting training in making entrepreneurial business proposals. The activities carried out are to generate interest in becoming young entrepreneurs, then encourage students to deepen specific knowledge and skills in the field of technology, and provide knowledge in the field of business proposals. Researchers conducted research-based methods in the form of training to train and direct the millennial generation. Where in its implementation it involves Hellomotion High School students in making detailed business proposals, right on target, efficient and easily digested by investors or capital supply centers. With a business proposal, the millennial generation will be encouraged to solidify their interests with business skills and sensitivity. The results of this training were 95% of the participants were able to make business proposals with measuring tools that were right on target, efficient and easily digested by investors or capital supply centers.


millennial generation; technology; business proposals


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