1Muzakir Tawil, 2*Yulizar P Tawil, 3Giska Mala Rahmarini, 4*Indra P P Salmon
1,2 Department of Public Administration, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
3Department of Communication, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
4Department of Public Administration, Bhayangkara University, Surabaya, Indonesia
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This research aims to study collaborative governance strategy in order to solve gap problem between abundance of natural resources but not equal in local management and constrained social phenomenon. Some barriers like low capacity that happen in street level government and local population. It will be interesting because paradox occure in abundance of advantages and welfare opportunity but cannot make local society out of local downturn and poverty (vicious circle). This research background is slum area phenomenon, low arrangement of local infrastructure, and poverty around tourism object and then attempted to explain stakeholder role in order to solve the probem. The research held in Banten Provine, especially in coastal area in Tanjung Pasir Village. The research methods performed with interview, observation, and documents study. Field result also analyzed by participation rural appraisal (PRA) and continued by SWOT analysis and coastal tourism development identification strategy. The result of this research is two strategic issue: at first, Tanjung Pasir Village has some tourism development tr iggers like Tanjung Pasir Beach, Crocodile Captivity Park, Tanjung Pasir Resort, crossing access tourism island, Mangrove Park, and Seafood Culinary; secondly, main problem in tourism development is in local capacity of human resources (especially in qualit y standard enhancement of tourism components and local empowerment). Based on the field result, it necesarry to improve tourism development components like attraction, amenity (accommodation), accessibility, and anciliary. After it is done in strategic issue mapping, it also necessay to coordinating all of stakeholder in collaboration scheme to develop tourism area in Tanjung Pasir Village to make welfare society. The implication of this research are contribute in tourism developing strategy by Tangerang Regency Government.
KEYWORDSCollaborative Governance, Coastal Resources, Tourism, Tangerang Regency
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