
Product Mix Pricing Applied in the Events Sector: Study of Generation Z Perceive the Pricing of Music Festival in Jakarta
1Dian Octarina, 2James Kurniawan
1,2Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia,

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This research will explore about the product-mix pricing as one of pricing strategies on event industry, music festival specifically. The research will use generation Z in Jakarta as its main focus. This research was conducted in order to provide recommendations for event managers to apply the pricing strategies which would maximize their financial return, this will be achieved by completing the aim and objectives of this research. The aim of this research was to explore generation Z perception on product-mix pricing in music festivals which would be achieved by doing the secondary research and primary research before providing recommendations. The secondary research will be conducted by critically reviewing literatures on marketing, pricing, event industry, generation Z, and Jakarta. Before moving into the primary research which will be conducted using quantitative method. The findings will talk product-mix pricing on events, about generation Z in Jakarta behaviour, preferences, and perception on music festivals in general and event situation in Jakarta. This research may benefit event managers and researchers alike, as it provides recommendation on pricing a music festival and provide some recommendation on further researches.


Product Mix Pricing, Events Sector, Music Festival


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