Dr. Umida Mavlyanova
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Philology, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
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Creating literary creations in ancient China, writers often intentionally used numbers in poems, paired inscriptions, idiomatic expressions, and Proverbs. Skilful use of numbers makes it possible to tell in even more vivid and expressive form, in more detail and accurately about the situation, the problem, and the theory. This can not only enhance the impact of a literary work, but also leave readers with a deep impression and allow them to get aesthetic pleasure. Of course, there are cases when numbers are needed to create techniques in literature, that is, paronomasia, but it is often fascinating and has its own charm. In classical Chinese poetry and prose, numerals are often used. Skilful use of numbers creates an original effect, figuratively expresses the idea and draws the writer's mental perception. Numbers not only increase the impact of the work, but also make a deep impression on readers.
PU songlin is the author of an extensive work "Liao-Zhai-Zhi-Yi"("Description of the miraculous from Liao's study"), 16 volumes of which contain more than 400 short stories that do not represent the original genre, but are only a brilliant stylization of traditional Chinese short stories of the VIII—XVI centuries in the style of "xiaoshuo".
KEYWORDSPU Songling, China, numbers, literature, poems, shot stories.
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