VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Mehmet Nur Altinörs
Professor, Besteci Caddes, Gulumser Sokak, 9 Angora Evleri, 06530 Mulukent,Ankara, Turkey
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The twentieth century is one of the most interesting time frames in human history. Two world wars with devastating results, the communist ideology coming to power in many countries, the astonishing scientific and technological developments mark some of the features of this century. All these changess inevitably affected international relations and politics. The United States of America (USA) getting stronger over time, emerged as a super power at the end of the Second World War. The Ottoman Empire which lasted six centuries plays an important role in European history. The Ottoman Empire and Turkey are situated at the intersection of Middle East, Balkans, Eurasia and Caucasus. Jeostrategic location, the rich oil and natural gas resources in the region increase the importance of the region on a global scale. So, the relations between a super power and a regional power is worthwhile analyzing because it influences the balance of power in the region and to some extent, it affects international politics.
KEYWORDSpedagogy, poetry, permanent reaction, promotion, enjoyment, covenant.
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