
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Integrated Green Supply Chain (GSC) Adoption Model, MENA Developing countries Empirical Study
1Hany Hanna, 2Paul Xirouchakis,3Athanasios Rentizelas,4Sahar Elbarky
1Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management University of Strathclyde, College of international transport and logistics, AAST. Egypt
2Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management University of Strathclyde
3Sector of Industrial Management and Operational Research, School of Mechanical Engineering | National Technical University of Athens
4College of international transport and logistics, AAST. Egypt

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Green supply chain management is attracting attention as a way to decrease the adverse environmental effects of industries worldwide. GSCM practices are considered as environmentally friendly practices, which include water efficiency, energy efficiency, waste management, environment conservation, recycling and reuse, toxic substance management and hazardous and optimization of transportation. However, considering the context of an emerging economy, green supply chain management is still in its inception and has not been widely embraced yet. In this research, the researcher demonstrated the important and the impact of Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) dimensions, firm practices and supply chain practices on the supply chain practices and the green supply chain adoption and the Supplier Relationship Management and Customer Relationship Management. This research aims to develop and understand a framework for different drivers and barriers that affect the green supply chain adoption in the process as well as identifying the role of TOE dimensions in enhancing the process. In this research, the researcher tried to provide a critical review and identify gaps in the literature related to GSCM, its drivers and barriers, GSCM adoption, and the TOE dimensions, develop an appropriate research methodology to collect and analyze data to address the research question. Empirically examine how all of the variables of the research are statistically related which are Customer Relationship, Supplier Relationship, Supplier Selection, Internal collaboration, Top Management Support, Green Supply Chain Management, Coercive Pressure, Normative Pressure, Mimetic Pressure, Market Pressure, Green purchasing, Barrier for GSCM, and Drivers for GSCM using the statistical tools. Critically discuss findings of current research, compare them to prior findings within the literature, Highlight the theoretical contributions and practical implications of the study, and identify limitations and areas for future research. The deduction approach has been utilized in this research as well as the quantitative method using structured questionnaire has been collected from 405 respondents. The research indicated that there is significant relationship between the environmental, organizational, and Technological dimensions and firm practices and supply chain practices, there is significant relationship between drivers, barriers and firm practices and supply chain practices and the green supply chain adoption. There is significant relationship between Green Supply Chain Adoption and both Supplier Relationship Management and Customer Relationship Management.


TOE Dimensions, Green Supply Chain Management Practices, Green Supply Chain Adoption.


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021

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