
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Study of Reading and Behaviors Skills to Students with ADHD in South Peloponnese
Drossinou-Korea Mari
Assistant Professor of Special Education and Training (FEK 1603 / 31.12.2018, vol. C), Department of Philology,
School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Peloponnese, East Center - Old Camp, Kalamata,
Messinia, 24100, Greece.

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This paper deals with the factors of reading and behaviors skills by the teaching of language courses to students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the pandemic period covid-19. Methodologically, in parallel with the bibliographical study, used the pedagogical tool, which is referred to the Targeted Individual Structured and Integrated Program for Students with Special Educational needs (TISIPfSEN), in south region of Peloponnese to 15 boys on average 13,8 years old. The students’ reading behavior was recorded in manuscript and electronically protocols via mobile phone according the special education and training (SET). In addition, the views of those involved (19 parents, 28 teachers and 38 adults who work in the five educational care additional study centers) were sought with short questionnaires. The data were analyzed according the fundamental scientific knowledge.


TISIPfSEN, ADHD, reading, behaviors skills, pandemic period


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021

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