
VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Beginning of distance e-learning (DeL) on gender in Saudi Arabia
Abdu Al Nashrey
New Castle University , United Kingdom

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In the beginning of Coronavirus(Covid-19) outbreak at the end of 2019, distance e-learning has prevailedafter the schools were closed. The present study aims to investigate distance e-learning among teachers and students through their access to distance e-learning, as well as factors that enhance e-learning in distance, such as electronic homework, virtual classrooms, chats, online content, and educational activities. The study's sample consisted of 14897 students and 1,545 teachers at 89 schools in Al Qunfudah city in Saudi Arabia, of which 53 were schools for girls, and 36 were schools for boys. A quantitative methodology was employed in deductive approach, and secondary data were analysed using R software to calculate t-test to found means, p-value, degree of freedom and also present the data in charts. The results show that male teachers and students have greater access to distance e-learning than female teachers and students but the study also found that there was no statistical significance between male and female students in the use of electronic homework and virtual classrooms. However, there is a statistical significance in that girls use more educational activities than boys.


Education, Distance e-learning, Saudi Arabia


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021

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