VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Mandolini
Prof., Emeritus from the Lille University, France
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What is heuristics? The methods of imagination that prepares for invention and discovery, by accepting that all arguments are good if they can succeed in achieving the proposed goals. A principle is deemed to be heuristic, therefore, when it is considered not on the basis of the truth it supports but by the fact that it contributes wholly or partly to the realisation of some project.
In order to compose a work, the creator has a certain number of dominant ideas, which function as pivots or fixed points around which the piece develops. The value of these ideas, which sometimes take the form of theories borrowed from the physical or mathematical sciences, is justified a posteriori, by the realisation of the works that emerge from them, and not a priori: the experimental or logical truth of what they assert, even if confirmed by experimental reality, is put here in brackets. These principles count as opinions for the composer; they are the heuristic principles of creation.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the principles that operate as the driving force behind the creation of Boulez and Xenakis.
KEYWORDSMusic – Musicology – Aesthetics – Musical Heuristics
1) BOULEZ, Pierre - Penser la musique aujourd’hui, Gallimard, 1963.
2) ----, Relevés d'apprenti, Paris, Seuil, 1966.
3) ----, « Le Système et l’idée », inHARMONIQUES n
o 1, Paris, IRCAM/Ch. Bourgois, 1986.
4) DELALANDE, François – Il faut être constamment un immigré – Entretiens avec Xenakis, Bibliothèque de Recherche
Musicale, INA – Buchet/Chastel, Pierre Zech éditeur, Paris, 1997.
5) « Interview Pascal DUSAPIN / Harry HALBREICH », in Regards sur Iannis Xenakis, Éd. Stock, Paris, 1998.
6) MATTER Henri-Louis – Webern, Éditions l’Âge de l’Homme, 1981.
7) SOLOMOS, Makis – Iannis Xenakis, P.O. Éditions, Mercuès, 1996.
8) XENAKIS, Iannis – Musique, Architecture – Caserna/poche – Mutations – Orientations, Paris, 1971.
9) WEBERN, Anton – Chemin vers la nouvelle musique, ed. Jean-Claude Lattès, 1980 for the French translation.