VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
1Oksana Chaika (Čajka),2 Natalia Sharmanova
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine,
2Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Haharin Avenue, Kryvyi Rih 50086, Ukraine,
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The article considers advertising pragmatics of contemporary media for polylingualism and polyculturalism as the
urgent need for advertising information about different types of goods has become a prerequisite for the development and
dissemination of a hybrid type of text – advertising text, announcement of things or services. The research aims at the functional
specifics of advertising texts in polycultural and polylingual contexts, among which is a variety of publications and outdoor
advertising. To achieve the objective, it is important to consider the goals (set tasks) associated with the research questions. They
are: (i) to outline the presentation patterns of trademarks and define the essence of the advertising text in the poly-lingual context,
(ii) to determine the pragmatic direction of advertising texts of modern media, accounting for the discursive-functional aspects,
(iii) to trace manifestation of multiculturalism and/or polyculturalism and polylingualism of the advertising text as a non-standard
type of text. It is stated advertising slogan is a communicative message that has a pragmatic instruction to convey true information
about the subject of advertising to the largest number of people in order to encourage them to take action - to use and purchase the
advertised product. The slogan is focused primarily on achieving the maximum pragmatic effect: to present the brand, distribute the
advertised products, actually sell the product, and even forcibly impose it on a potential consumer.
It is found the following aspects
are clearly combined, which logically represent the advertising text as a non-standard object of linguistic description in the
polylingual cultures:
1) polylingual components:introduction into the advertising message of linguistic facts by different types of
fonts, a combination of natural and unnatural semiotic systems (signs, drawings, symbols), introduction to the text of visuals;
2) multicultural and/or polycultural components.
advertising text, mass media, polyculturalism, multiculturalism, polylingualis, advertisement (ads), advertisement stylistic properties
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