VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
1Khalifah Sophy Sarahwati, 2Nabitatus Sa’adah
1,2Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro
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This study aims to analyze policies to tackle the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia, specifically looking at the progressive side of efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is normative juridical with a statutory approach and the data used in this study are secondary data. Based on the research results, it is known that Covid-19 Government Regulation is a progressive step in handling the Covid-19 case in Indonesia. However, this initial step must be followed by other concrete efforts as a progressive effort to optimize the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Steps to optimize the implementation of governmental coercion in the steps to implement Covid-19 Government Regulation can be in the form of; restrictions on the mobility of goods and people, closure of schools and workplaces, restrictions on religious activities, closure of public facilities, fulfillment of basic needs of the population, and followed up with the drafting of provincial and regencial/municipal regulations.
KEYWORDSProgressive, Regulation, Countermeasures, Spread, Covid-19.
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