VOlUME 04 ISSUE 05 MAY 2021
1Syafaruddin, 2Mardianto, 3Darliana Sormin
1,2UIN North Sumatra, Jln. IAIN No. 1 Sutomo Ujung Medan 20253, Indonesia
3Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan University, Jl. Sutan Moh. Arief No.32, Batang Ayumi Julu, Padangsidimpuan, 22733, Indonesia
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This study aims to determine the analysis of planning, resource management, implementation and evaluation related to improving the quality of teachers in the implementation of student learning culture at Integrated Islamic Schools at the Al Husnayain Mandailing Natal Indonesia Foundation. Sources of data in this study are Foundation leaders, school principals, teachers. To achieve this goal, researchers used data collection methods with interview techniques, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique is done by reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusions. Based on field data and analysis of this research, it was found that the Management of Teacher Quality Improvement in the Implementation of Student Learning Culture at the Integrated Islamic School at the Al Husnayain Mandailing Natal Indonesia Foundation was as follows: 1) Planning to improve the quality of teachers in the implementation of student learning culture has been carried out properly according to the education standards of the Integrated Islamic School and according to the Ministry of Education and Culture's curriculum then integrated with the pesantren regulations. Planning in the form of work programs, regulations, regulations, policies, standard operating procedures that have been agreed upon at foundation meetings and school meetings. 2) In the implementation of the organizing function, foundations and school principals demonstrate their democratic nature by giving trust to the curriculum team (division), boarding coaches, student affairs, extracurricular activities, self-development that is formed according to the needs of the school to participate in carrying out tasks mandated by the principal in accordance with the main duties and functions which has been determined in the division of tasks and responsibilities. 3) In the process of implementing teacher quality improvement, all personnel carry out tasks according to work programs such as: implementation of all 12 JSIT standards, further studies, teacher training, teacher and student achievement, implementation of the learning process (lesson plans, evaluation sheets, literacy programs), process learning in the dormitory (mentoring, evaluation evaluation), extracurricular activities (compulsory activities, choice and dormitory activities) 4) The implementation of evaluation of all standards is carried out by the foundation in general and the evaluation of each educational unit and the boarding house is responsible for the principal and the boarder of the dormitory. Regarding the implementation of learning evaluations in class is carried out every day, every week, every month, at the end of the semester which is evaluated by the teacher. implementation of all 12 JSIT standards, further studies, teacher training, teacher and student achievement, implementation of the learning process (lesson plans, evaluation sheets, literacy programs), the learning process in the dormitory (mentoring, assessment evaluation), extracurricular activities (mandatory, optional and boarding activities) 4) Implementation of evaluation of all standards is carried out by the foundation in general and the evaluation of each unit of education unit and the boarding party is responsible for the school principal and boarder of the dormitory. Regarding the implementation of learning evaluations in class is carried out every day, every week, every month, at the end of the semester which is evaluated by the teacher. implementation of all 12 JSIT standards, further studies, teacher training, teacher and student achievement, implementation of the learning process (lesson plans, evaluation sheets, literacy programs), the learning process in the dormitory (mentoring, assessment evaluation), extracurricular activities (mandatory, optional and boarding activities) 4) The implementation of evaluation of all standards is carried out by the foundation in general and the evaluation of each unit of education unit and the boarding party is responsible for the school principal and boarder of the dormitory. Regarding the implementation of learning evaluations in class is carried out every day, every week, every month, at the end of the semester which is evaluated by the teacher. the learning process in the dormitory (mentoring, evaluation evaluation), extracurricular activities (compulsory activities, choice and dormitory activities) 4) Evaluation of all standards is carried out by the foundation in general and the evaluation of each educational unit and the dormitory is responsible for the principal and boarder of the dormitory . Regarding the implementation of learning evaluations in class is carried out every day, every week, every month, at the end of the semester which is evaluated by the teacher. the learning process in the dormitory (mentoring, evaluation evaluation), extracurricular activities (compulsory activities, choice and dormitory activities) 4) Evaluation of all standards is carried out by the foundation in general and the evaluation of each educational unit and the dormitory is responsible for the principal and boarder of the dormitory . Regarding the implementation of learning evaluations in class is carried out every day, every week, every month, at the end of the semester which is evaluated by the teacher.
KEYWORDSManagement, teacher quality and learning culture.
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