VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
1Ida Nurwiana,2 Akhmad Fauzi, 3Ernan Rustiadi ,4Bambang Juanda
1Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University Penfui PO Box 104, Kupang 85001-East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
2,3,4Regional and Rural Development Planning, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Darmaga Campus of IPB, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
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One aspect that plays an important role in the performance of irrigation systems is the institutional division of irrigation areas' authority covering the authority of district/municipality, provincial and the central government. This study aimed to assess how the institutional division of irrigation areas' authority affect the performance of irrigation systems, to reclassifies the standard of performance index of irrigation systems, to analyze the status of irrigation system performance in 6 districts/municipalities in the semi arid region of Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara based on their authority and mapping of spatial diversity. This study used descriptive statistical method through the performance index of irrigation systems in 6 districts/ municipalities. This study concluded that the status of the irrigation system performanceof 6 districts/municipalities in the semi arid region of Timor Island increased along with the level of irrigation systems' authority. The best Status of the performance of irrigation systems in 6 districts/municipalities was Malaka District Irrigation System, the performance tended to be better in the irrigation system under the authority of central government that administratively placed in one district/municipality (non cross district irrigation system). Based on the analysis of the status of irrigation system performance in 6 districts/municipalitiesin Timor Island, a specific step for each district/municipality to adjust the location characteristics with policies can be taken to overcome irrigation systems' problems in the semi arid regions of Timor Island.
KEYWORDS:institutional authority, irrigation system performance, spatial dimension, semi arid region.
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