VOlUME 04 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2021
Dr.Nishtiman Othman Mohammed
Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and Management Soran University- Kurdistan of Iraq
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Equality involves ensuring equal opportunities for all and that individual merits are given equal weight, without any discrimination. The principle of equality demands giving equal values to those who appear before the law. Now the recognition of principle of equality before the law entails that everyone is entitle to effective protection against discrimination and also to enjoy human rights without discrimination.
Women in Kurdistan, just like women elsewhere in the world, can lay claim to the right to equality before the law, to freedom from discrimination and to certain economic, social, and cultural rights. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and examine how women’s legal and civil rights are protected and to identify the extent to which the domestic legislation correspond to Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
The findings of this paper are that some laws have been amended to accommodate equality for women while others are still carrying the relics of the discriminatory laws and attitudes against women.
KEYWORDS:gender, equality, Islamic Shari’a, penal code, civil code, CEDAW.
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