VOlUME 04 ISSUE 07 JULY 2021
1Kurt Williams, 2Mary Zadnik , 3Sunddip Panesar-Aguilar
1Pima Medical Institute, Seattle, WA
2,3Univeristy of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, St. Augustine, FL
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In bicycle fitting, the literature has focus historically on the saddle height and knee flexion angle. There has been little focus in the literature on postural reach; this is the distance between the saddle and handlebars. Currently, this distance is determined by a specialist, a bicycle fitter, and is generally based on a trunk, shoulder, and elbow angle; however, it is primarily based on what "looks right" to the fitter and "feels right" to the client, rather than using anthropometric measurement. This study examined whether there was a relationship between anthropometric measures and postural reach, or if ideal fit should continue to be determined by a trial-and-error process, informed by expert opinion and client feedback. This study found that there was a moderate correlation r(9) = 0.663, p < .05 between the upper extremity measure and postural reach and a fair correlation r(9)= 0.296, p < .05 between the trunk measure and postural reach. A significant regression was found between the upper extremity length and the postural reach F(1, 9) = 7.06. The finding of this study does suggest that there is a relationship between the anthropometric measures and the postural reach. However, due to the low number of data points,the external validity may be somewhat limited, and it is suggested that the study be only used as a guide for future exploration.
Keywordsbicycle fitting, postural reach, ideal bicycle fit, sports research, human subjects
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