VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Supriyono,2Budi Pramono,3Lukman Yudho Prakoso
11Graduate School, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University,Jl. Sentul - Citeureup, Sentul, Kec. Citeureup, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer of Graduate School, Indonesia Defense University,Jl. Sentul - Citeureup, Sentul, Kec. Citeureup, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia
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A strong national defense system does not require consideration of empathy, including the geographical factors of the country being examined, the national resources of a country, an analysis of possible threats that will arise, and the development of information technology. Defense is something that is fundamental to the survival of a country. Cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea in the defense industry is centered on the development of the changbogo class submarine and the development of the KFX / IFX fighter aircraft. Seen from the Government's policy, it can be seen that the domestic industry is unprepared to support the independence of the defense industry. This unpreparedness can be caused by the absence of supporting infrastructure or financial support for mass production of defense and security equipment. This scientific work is expected to provide recommendations in defense policy regarding submarine development. This study uses a scientific approach with qualitative descriptive methods and uses implementation tehory by George C. Edward. The results of this study a policy review of South Korea’s Submarine purchase policy . The conclusion of this study are constraints and challenges faced in improving submarines, particularly related to the ability of PT. PAL Indonesia is still limited in the manufacture of the DSME 209/1400 submarine.
KEYWORDS:National defense, maritime security, Communication, Submarine and Development.
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