VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Herdian,2Safinatun Nazah Zamal
1,2Psychology Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
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Pandemic becomes one of the problems of the world until the moment of this. In the aspect of education, the pandemic has changed the education system into online learning. We examine how the phenomenon of academic procrastination in online learning is due to previous research saying that the ineffectiveness of online learning causes students to do academic procrastination. A total of 305 students of the faculty of teacher training and science education fill out questionnaires online regarding the phenomenon of academic procrastination. The result of this research is that there are low and high comparisons on academic procrastination. The implications and discussion we discuss in depth.
KEYWORDS:Academic Procrastination, Students, Pandemic, COVID-19, Online Learning.
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