VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Dalavouras Georgios,2Kechagias Christos-Thomas
1Teacher, Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
2PhD., M.A., School of Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
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This paper aims to present in brief the main researches about the prediction of social behavior through values and social axioms, to suggest their utilization in the field of philosophy and sociology of education and also to highlight the significant contribution of the educator in the moral edification of a person. Initially, it is being held a brief reference to Schwartz’s theory of values and social axioms in order to show the important role they play in social behavior. Then, Schwartz's study of intercultural values as well as their outcomes is outlined in detail. The ensuing report refers to researches which took place both intercultural and in Greece about social axioms and dimensions that have been found. It is being accomplished an approach about researches that have been made intercultural and aimed at predicting the social behavior with the help of values and social axioms. In parallel, there is a brief survey of Michael Hand’s theory about moral education and its criticism. By the literature review is being proved that there is a semantic correlation between values and social axioms, but there isn’t a significant combination of social behavior. From their roots, both values and social axioms seem to affect social behavior.
KEYWORDS:Schwartz, values, social axioms, social philosophy, education, philosophy of education, moral seriousness.
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