August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
The Development of Aquaponic Props for Elementary School Grade V as an Integrated Thematic Learning Media
1,2,3Education Technology, Postgraduate, University PGRI Adi Buana of Surabaya

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The development of integrated thematic learning media is still not much in elementary school. This condition is not in line with the 2013 KTSP approach in Indonesia. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a proper learning media for integrated thematic learning class V elementary school students. Aquaponic is one of the innovative media that is suitable for use in learning. This media can integrate several charge lessons to achieve core competencies in the current Grade V curriculum. The development model used is the Borg and Gall model. The trial steps of this media were carried out to 11 Grade V students of SDN Warungdowo I District Pohjentrek. There are two types of data obtained, namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Quantitative data is obtained from the Post Test value and the questionnaire deployment to the Grade V Students. Qualitative data were obtained from Teachers' interviews and suggestions, criticism, and responses from the validators. The validation carried out by the Material and Media experts was declared feasible. The validation score is 95% by a material expert, 98% by media expert, 100% by the colleagues' teachers, and 98% by the elementary education expert. It means that the feasibility level is excellent. The results showed that aquaponic props is perfectly suitable for the learning media of the respected school. This research is also supported by the existence of quantitative data from student learning outcomes after using the aquaponic props in learning shows the results of 100% of students can achieve basic competencies that exist in the linked lessons in integrated thematic learning. The use of appropriate learning media in Pancasila and civics education subjects will convey various concepts and facts so that students can use and remember longer the teacher's material. This research aims to develop instructional video media to assist students in learning Pancasila and civic education subjects. This research is development research that adopts the development stages of ADDIE. The results showed that the learning videos developed were easy for students to use and had a very high level of attractiveness, and could improve student learning outcomes.


Aquaponic, Integrated Thematic Learning, Elementary School


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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