VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Maheshwari Rawat,2Arunima Gahlot
1Hindu College, Delhi University New Delhi, India
2Maitreyi College, Delhi University New Delhi, India
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Political ideology has played a significant role in shaping humans and their interactions with other humans since the emergence of modern political systems around the world, however, it may not have been as ubiquitous as it is in today’s day and age. These days, political ideology may affect people’s everyday choices, even what kind of people they want in their social circle. In college spaces where people engage in political discourse actively; it may impact the already existing bond among peers or lead to a dissociative behaviour. It may also have no impact at all. In this research we try to study the extent to which someone’s political ideology governs their choice of selecting or dissociating from certain social circles based on similarities or differences of political opinion. The existing literature is mostly centered on people being divided into political cleavages for elections or how family and friends play a role in shaping one’s ideology. In this research we try to study how political ideology is always at work and how it can impact the way the youth bond with their peers.
KEYWORDSpolitical ideology, social bonds, peer groups, intergroup relations, Indian youth
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