August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
A Moral Contribution To The Discourse: Pastor And Money In Africa
Joseph Olufemi Asha
Lecturer,Baptist College of Theology, Lagos

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The subject of church finance and the pastor’s involvement has long been a topic of discussion and controversy. Opinions and practices vary as to whether the pastor should be allowed unrestricted oversight of church money, or completely uninvolved with church money, or work with a committee to oversee the monetary business of the church . The craze for money has infiltrated every segment of our society. From the religious leadership to traditional and political leadership there is no much difference. Men and Women of God who claimed to be followers of Christ steal, embezzle, misappropriate and divert money meant for the church, or community, and others for self aggradisement .

The idea of morality and personal integrity are most times ignored and sacrificed at the altar of greed and selfishness. The reality of what is said above and the desire to explore the subject matter of pastor and money motivated the writing of this paper. The thesis of this paper is that money is an essential tool needed by every human to functions well pastor inclusive. However, it inappropriate handling as well as inappropriate attitude to it can be harzarduos to anyone irrespective of gender, status, and religion.

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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