VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
1Mahsa Ardeshiri,2Vida Mohammad Alizadeh Khoub
1Department of translation studies, Pishtazan Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
2M.A in Translation Studies
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Today, social networks have become an unseparable part of human society and because of the facilities they provide to users, they are very popular and are used every day. Social media, through online tools, group critical thought, team-centered project-based learning, and group problem-solving, and their power lies not only in producing and sharing knowledge among its members, but also in reflecting and producing new knowledge. The use of virtual social networks in mobile education and learning in various forms increases innovation in education. Audiences can perform through the knowledge production, thinking, disseminating knowledge and tolerating criticism. As the results and findings of this study showed, one of the main features of using social networks in teaching and learning is the emphasis on participatory and interactive learning, individual communication and classroom interaction, and the possibility of discussion with all classmates, the possibility of understanding. And provides acceptance of the opinion of others and the formation of knowledge based on social agreements. Also, using this tool solves the problem of lack of time and lack of facilities and it can be claimed that by using this method, it is possible to increase productivity in the field of education and learning.
KEYWORDS:Social Networks, Virtual Education, Mobile Education
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