September 2021

The Effect of the Greek Enlightenment on the Greek Revolution and the position of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Evi Psarrou
Department of Philosophy, University of Patras, Rion – Achaia, Greece

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The present study aims to discuss the connection between the Modern Greek Enlightenment and the Greek Revolution. It reveals the decisive effect of this intellectual movement upon the Greek subjects of the Ottoman Empire supporting that the Greek Enlightenment contributed to the awakening of the Greeks who eventually revolted against the Ottomans establishing a new independent national state. Additionally this paper reveals the position of the Orthodox Church and its reaction towards the Enlightenment and moreover highlights certain actions taken by the Church against the Enlightenment thinkers. Finally, an attempt is made and to the reasons that led the Church to adopt this position against the Enlightenment movement and the Greek Revolution. This paper derives from an in-depth study of the bibliography relevant to the aforementioned issues.


Eastern Orthodox, Church Greek Enlightenment, Greek Revolution, Greek Independent State, Ottoman Empire, Patriarch of Constantinople.


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