September 2021

Level of Reading Comprehension Among Grade 11 Learners Basis for Instructional Material Development
1Jennymae T. Manggasang,2Ma.Fe B. Belasoto
1Division of Iloilo, Department of Education
2Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State Colleges, Estancia, Iloilo

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This descriptive study aimed to determine the level of reading comprehension among 323 randomly selected Grade 11 learners from the academic and TVL tracks of Estancia National High School, through the use of a researcher-made instrument which had undergone validity and reliability test. Result revealed that when taken as an entire group, the females, the academic track Grade 11 learners, those with post graduate parents were “good” in literal and interpretive levels while “fair” in evaluative level. The males, the TVL track Grade 11 learners, those with elementary education parents were “fair” in the three levels. Those with high school education parents were “good” in literal but fair in interpretive and evaluative levels. Those whose parents had tertiary education were “good” in all three levels of reading comprehension. There was a significant difference in the three levels of reading comprehension when Grade 11 learners were classified as to sex and track. There was a significant difference in literal and evaluative levels when Grade 11 learners were classified as to parents’ highest educational attainment but no significant difference in interpretive level. Among the three levels, it was in the evaluative level that the Grade 11 learners barely passed. Based on the result of the study an instructional material was developed.


Reading Comprehension, Grade 11 Learners, Literal Level, Interpretive Level, Evaluative Level


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