1Tien Norma Habsari, 2Zainal Abidin Sahabuddin,3Sri Sundari
1,2,3Economics Defense Department, Indonesia Defense University
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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the pre-employment card program approved by the government in reducing unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia caused an increase in unemployment. This is due to a decrease in production, which has an impact on the company's operations and finances. The government is the most responsible in the unstable economic conditions of society. One of the programs issued is the preemployment card program. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods through collecting data from several books, journals, printed or electronic documents, and other sources of data or information. The research is intended to analyze the data by using data reduction techniques. The results of this study require the government to review the policies of this Pre-Employment Card program. The government must focus on providing assistance to the community in the form of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT), social assistance, to subsidies, and providing stimulus to companies or entrepreneurs to at least reduce the unemployment rate which leads to an increase in the number of unemployed.
KEYWORDS:Pre-Employment Card, Effectiveness, Unemployment, Covid-19 Pandemic
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