1Dedi Riyanto, 2Kholis Roisah
1Head of Civil and Administrative Section of the Civil Service Section at the Batang District Prosecutor's Office
2Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University
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Introduction to the Problem:
One example of regulations in the economic field is Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The Copyright Law has been amended many times, even within a period of approximately twenty years, the relevant law has changed four times. The purpose of the law is justice, legal certainty and expediency, thus giving the desire to review the Copyright Law to be able to realize the legal objectives.
Objectives/Study Objectives:
This paper aims to determine the Juridical Analysis of the Development of Copyright Law in Relation to Legal Objectives
This paper is included in the type of normative legal research which provides a prescriptive on Juridical Analysis of the Development of Copyright Law in Relation to Legal Objectives. The technique of collecting legal materials is carried out by studying literature to collect legal materials by reading laws and regulations, official documents and literature related to problems that must be carried out by the author. The legal material analysis technique is carried out qualitatively
The results show that, the purpose of the law is as a social engineering tool, so that the Intellectual Property Rights Act is also a social engineering tool aimed at making people obey the law in the direction of a law-abiding society in the field of IPR is not yet optimal. The development of the Copyright Law in law with legal objectives can be seen from the legal substance, legal structure, and Indonesian culture.
Copyright Law; Justice; Certainty; Benefits
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